55 East 54th Street (1992 - 2009)
120 West 49th Street (2009 - Present)
New York, New York
Tel: 212.759.5941
Seating Capacity: 160 (approx.)
(1992 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2016 - 2017 Bill Telepan Executive Chef
2016 - 2020 Douglas Hernandez Executive Pastry Chef
2012 - 2014 Joseph Gabriel Executive Pastry Chef
2009 - 2011 Evan Eriksen Sous Chef
2008 - 2012 Chris Wyman Executive Sous Chef
2007 Andrew (Drew) Ward Sous Chef
2006 - 2016 Ben Pollinger Executive Chef
2006 - 2012 Jansen Chan Executive Pastry Chef
2005 - 2006 Leander Krulis Pastry Sous Chef
2004 - 2005 Matthew Purcell Station Cook
Garde Manger
2004 - 2005 Shea Crawford Chef de Partie
  -- Matthew Accarrino Sous Chef
2003 - 2006 Melissa Rodriguez Chef de Partie
2003 - 2006 Scott Ekstrom Chef de Cuisine
2003 - 2006 David Carmichael Pastry Chef
2003 - 2006 Cornelius Gallagher Executive Chef
2003 - 2005 Levi Mezick Sous Chef
2002 Michael Schenk Executive Chef
2002 - 2003 Noah Tucker Chef de Partie
[2002] Michael Schenk Chef de Cuisine
2002 Cornelius Gallagher Chef de Cuisine
2000 - 2002 Anthony Amoroso Chef de Cuisine
Sous Chef
  -- Christopher Lee --
1994 - 2002 Rick Moonen Executive Chef & Partner
1992 - 1993 Phillip Foss --
1992 - 1994 Jim Galileo Executive Chef
1991 - 1993 Christopher Bocchino Sous Chef
1991 - 1994 James Henderson Sous Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2014 - Present Francisco Marquez Manager
1992 - Present Paul McLaughlin Managing Partner
1992 - Present Livanos Family Owner/Proprietor
Last updated: 2021-02-05

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