David Carmichael

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Duration Place City Position
2017 - Present Majorelle Pastry Chef
2015 - 2016 Chevalier Pastry Chef
2007 - 2014 New York Palace Hotel
Gilt; Pomme Palais
Executive Pastry Chef
2007 The Russian Tea Room Pastry Chef
2004 - 2006 Abboccato Ristorante Pastry Chef
2003 - 2006 Oceana Pastry Chef
  -- Lutèce Pastry Chef
  -- Sign of the Dove Pastry Chef
  -- Vinegar Factory --
  -- Daniel --
  -- Le Bernardin --
  -- Barefoot Contessa
Worked at Barefoot Contessa for over 3 years
Pastry Chef
Last updated: 2018-09-21


  • Ten Best Pastry Chefs in America, Pastry Art & Design Magazine (2004)

Born in The United States | Born in 1970 | External references


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