Restaurant L'Arpège
84, rue de Varenne
Paris, Île-de-France (France)
  • Previously L'Archestrate by Alain Senderens
(1986 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2012 Daniel Pizarro Apprentice
2005 Tyrone Tutt --
  -- Christophe Rohat --
  -- Pascal Barbot --
1999 Charles-Emmanuel Pariseau Stagiaire
  -- Josh DeChellis --
1997 - 1998 Gregory Furstoss Commis
  -- Victor Albisu --
  -- Galen Zamarra Stagiaire
  -- George Mendes
While at Bouley
  -- Ludovic (Ludo) Lefebvre --
  -- Richard Reddington Stagiaire
  -- Suzanne Goin --
  -- Andrew Carmellini --
  -- Traci Des Jardins Apprentice/Commis
1986 - Present Alain Passard Chef & Owner
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
1991 - 1993 Michel Couvreux Maitre d'
Last updated: 2017-02-05

1986 openings | Places in Paris  | Places in Île-de-France | Places in France | Area(s): 7th arrondissement


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