121, avenue de Wagram
48, avenue Victor Hugo
Paris, Île-de-France (France)
Tel: 01 45 02 21 21
  • In 1985, hotel and services group Accor acquired controlling interest of Lenôtre.
  • Lenôtre operates over 35 boutiques in 12 countries.
(1960 - )

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Duration Name Position
2005 Gerardo Sialer Intern
  -- Rick Laakkonen --
  -- Pierre Hermé Apprentice/Commis
1980 - 1981 Philippe Corbiere
Commis Patissier
1965 - 1974 Michel Richard Pastry Chef
1960 - 1985 Gaston Lenôtre Master Pastry Chef
Last updated: 2016-03-30

1960 openings | Places in Paris  | Places in Île-de-France | Places in France | Area(s): 17th arrondissement/16th arrondissement


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