Gaston Lenôtre

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Duration Place City Position
1985 - 1992 Le Pavillon Elysée
Master Pastry Chef
1982 - 2009 Les Chefs de France Partner
  -- Le Pré Catelan --
  -- Le Pre Catelan --
1960 - 1985 Lenôtre Master Pastry Chef
Last updated: 2009-06-11

  • In 1947, Gaston Lenôtre opened his first pastry shop in Normandy.
  • In 1971, Gaston Lenôtre opened Ecole Lenôtre, a cooking school for both professional and amateur chefs.
  • In 1975, Gaston Lenôtre opened a shop in the Berlin department store Kaufhaus des Westens ("Department Store of the West" or "KaDeWe").

Born in France | Born in 1920 | Died in 2009 | Deceased people | External references


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