Michel Richard

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Recently Added

Duration Place City Position
2013 - 2016 Pomme Palais Chef & Partner
2012 - 2014 Villard Michel Richard Chef & Partner
2011 - 2014 Central Michel Richard Chef & Co-owner
2010 - 2012 Michel Chef & Partner
2007 - 2009 Citronelle Consulting Chef
2007 - 2009 Citrus at Social Consulting Chef
Executive Chef
2006 - 2016 Central Michel Richard Chef & Co-owner
1994 - 1996 Bistro M Chef & Co-owner
1994 - 2012 Michel Richard Citronelle Chef & Co-owner
1993 - 1997 Michel's Partner
Executive Chef
  -- Citronelle Partner
Executive Chef
1991 - 2006 Citronelle Chef & Co-owner
  -- Broadway Deli Co-owner/Partner
1987 - 2001 Citrus Chef & Co-owner
1977 - 1987 Michel Richard Chef & Owner
1975 - 1977 The French Pastry Shop Chef & Owner
1974 - 1975 Château France Pastry Chef
1965 - 1974 Lenôtre Pastry Chef
Last updated: 2016-08-15

  • At the age of 13, Michel Richard began a six-year apprenticeship at a hotel in Reims, France.


Born in France | Born in 1948 | Died in 2016 | Deceased people | Maitres Cuisiniers de France | External references


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