The Westin Ottawa
11 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 613.560.7000
(1983 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2017 - Present Geoffrey Morden Executive Chef
2010 - Present Kenton Leier Executive Chef
2006 - 2010 Mathieu Bedard Chef de Cuisine
2006 - 2009 Nelson Borges Executive Chef
2005 - Present David Brasset Sous Chef
[2002] Paul Murray Sous Chef
2000 - 2006 Philippe Wettel Executive Chef
1998 - 2000 Jean-Luc Barone Executive Chef
1991 - 1998 Wilhelm (Willi) Wetscher Executive Chef
1988 - 1991 Ulrich Ludwig Executive Chef
1985 - 1988 Franz Hoefler Executive Chef
  -- Paul Biggs Apprentice/Commis
1983 - 1985 Christian Rassinoux
Opening Chef
Executive Chef
1982 - 1986 Martin Kouprie Apprentice/Commis
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2009 - 2011 Nelson Borges Director of Food & Beverage
2006 - Present Philippe Wettel
Outside Catering
Catering Director
2006 - Present Jason Porat Assistant Outlets Manager
2004 - 2005 Yannick Bedard Banquet Captain
2004 - 2005 Jean-Luc Barone
Westin - across Canada
Regional F & B Director
2001 - 2004 James Denis Sommelier
2000 - 2004 Jean-Luc Barone Food & Beverage Director
Last updated: 2020-11-06

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