Christian Delouvrier

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Duration Place City Position
2016 - 2017 Majorelle Consulting Executive Chef
2009 - 2014 La Mangeoire Executive Chef
2009 Secession Executive Chef
2007 - 2008 Brasserie Ruhlmann Executive Chef
2006 - 2009 La Goulue Executive Chef
2006 - Present La Goulue de Christian Delouvrier Chef
2005 - 2006 The Carlyle Consulting Chef
2004 - 2005 Alain Ducasse at the Essex House Executive Chef
2003 Delouvrier
Restaurant was in the planning stages only and never opened.
Consulting Chef
2003 Terre
Restaurant was abandoned before it ever opened
Consulting Chef
1998 - 2003 Lespinasse Executive Chef
1991 - 1998 Les Celebrites Executive Chef
1989 Restaurant Raphael Chef
1981 - 1989 Maurice Chef
[1979] L'Archestrate --
  -- La Folie Chef
[1976] Windows on the World Executive Sous Chef
[1973] Le Chateau Richelieu --
[1971] Swiss Hutte Chef
  -- King's Inn Hotel --
  -- Le St. Amable Chef
1963 - 1964 Café de la Paix Commis Saucier
Last updated: 2018-09-20


Maitres Cuisiniers de France | External references


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