District of Columbia, United States
Results 451 - 600 of 632
Place City Address Years
Palena Washington 3529 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2000 - 2014)
Palette Restaurant & Bar Washington 1177 15th Street NW
(2003 - 2011)
Palm Restaurant Group Washington 1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW
(1926 - )
Paolo's Ristorante Washington 1303 Wisconsin Avenue NW
(1987 - )
Park Hyatt Washington D.C. Washington 1201 24th Street NW
Pastis Washington 1323 4th Street NE
(2024 - )
PDR Sales Group Washington Know the address?
Pearl Dive Oyster Palace Washington 1612 14th Street NW
(2011 - )
Pendry Washington DC - The Wharf Washington 655 Water Street SW
(2022 - )
Perry's Washington 1811 Columbia Road NW
(1984 - )
Pesce Washington 2016 P Street NW
2002 P Street NW
(1993 - 2021)
Philotimo Washington 1100 15th Street NW
(2022 - 2022 ; 2023 - 2024)
The Pig Washington 1320 14th Street NW
(2012 - )
Pinch & Plate Washington Based in Washington DC
(2015 - )
Pineapple and Pearls Washington 715 8th Street SE
(2016 - )
Place Vendome Washington Know the address?
Pluma by Bluebird Bakery Washington 391 Morse Street NE
(2018 - )
PM Hospitality Strategies Washington 2020 K Street NW
Pogiboy DC Washington 1110 Vermont Ave NW
(2021 - 2022)
Policy Washington 1904 14th Street NW
(2009 - 2019)
Pom Pom Washington 828 Upshur Street NW
(2019 - )
Posh Washington 730 11th Street NW
(2006 - 2011)
Poste Moderne Brasserie Washington 555 8th Street NW
(2002 - 2016)
Posto Washington 1515 14th Street NW
(2008 - 2016)
Potenza Washington 1430 H Street NW
(2009 - 2012)
Potomac Washington Know the address? (1986 - 1987)
PRG Hospitality Washington 1200 19th Street NW
(2011 - )
Primrose Washington 3000 12th Street NE
(2017 - )
Private Home Washington Private home
Proof Washington 775 G Street, NW
(2007 - 2019)
Provence Washington 2401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(Opened 1994 ;  Closed)
Providencia Washington 1321 Linden Court NE
(2024 - )
PS 7's Washington 777 I Street NW
(2006 - 2012)
Pulpo Washington 3407 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2012 - 2014)
The Queen Vic Washington 1206 H Street NE
(2011 - )
Radiator Washington 1430 Rhode Island Avenue NW
(2016 - 2019)
Radius Pizza Washington 3155 Mount Pleasant Street NW
(2005 - )
Raku: An Asian Diner Washington 1900 Q Street NW
(1995 - )
Range Washington 5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW
(2012 - 2018)
Rasika Washington 633 D Street NW
(2005 - )
Rasika West End Washington 1190 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
(2012 - )
Ray's Corporate Washington Know the address?
Ray's The Steaks at East River Washington 3905 Dix Street NE
(2010 - )
Red Apron Butcher Washington 709 D Street NW
(2014 - )
The Red Hen Washington 1822 1st Street NW
(2013 - )
Red Light Washington 1401 R Street NW
(2014 - )
Red Sage Washington 605 14th Street NW
(1991 - 2006)
RedRocks Washington 1036 Park Road NW
1348 H Street NE
(2007 - )
Renaissance Dupont Circle Hotel Washington 1143 New Hampshire Avenue NW
(2010 - 2018)
Renaissance M Street Hotel Washington 1143 New Hampshire Avenue NW
(2007 - 2010)
Requin at The Wharf Washington 100 District Square SW
(2017 - 2019)
Residence of the French Ambassador to U.S. Washington 2221 Kalorama Road NW
Restaurant Associates Washington 600 Constitution Avenue NW
Restaurant K by Alison Swope Washington 1700 K Street NW
(2007 - 2008)
Restaurant Nora Washington 2132 Florida Avenue NW
(1979 - 2017)
Reverie Restaurant Washington 3210 Grace Street NW
The Riggsby Washington 1731 New Hampshire Avenue NW
(2015 - )
Ripple Washington 3417 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2010 - 2017)
Ris Washington 2275 L Street NW
(2009 - )
Ristorante Tosca Washington 1112 F Street NW
(2001 - )
The Ritz-Carlton Georgetown Washington 3100 South Street NW
The Ritz-Carlton, Washington D.C. Washington 1150 22nd Street NW
(2000 - )
Rive Gauch Washington Wisconsin Avenue and M Street
The River Club Washington 3050 K Street NW
(Closed 1997)
Rock Creek Mazza Washington 5300 Wisconsin Avenue NW
(Opened 2007 ;  Closed)
Rogue 24 Washington 922 N Street NW
(2011 - 2016)
Ronald Regan Building Washington 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(1998 - )
Roofers Union Washington 2446 18th Street NW
(2014 - )
Room 11 Washington 3234 11 Street NW
(2009 - )
Root & Sprig Washington 7115 13th Place NW
(2021 - )
Rosa Mexicano Washington 575 7th Street NW
Rose's At Home Washington 721 8th Street SE
Rose's Luxury Washington 717 8th Street SE
(2013 - )
Rosedale Washington 4465 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2024 - )
Rosewood Washington DC Washington 1050 31st Street NW
(2016 - )
Rugby Cafe Washington 1065 Wisconsin Avenue
Rupperts Restaurant Washington 1017 7th Street NW
(1994 - 2002)
Rural Society Washington 1177 15th Street NW
(2014 - )
Russia House Restaurant & Lounge Washington 1800 Connecticut Avenue NW
Sabores Washington 3435B Connecticut Avenue NW
Salt & Pepper Washington 5125 MacArthur Boulevard NW
(2011 - )
San Lorenzo Washington 1316 9th Street NW
(2018 - )
SAX Restaurant Lounge Washington 730 11th Street NW
(2011 - )
Scotts Restaurant & Bar Washington 927 F Street NW
(2018 - 2019)
Sea Catch Restaurant Washington 1054 31st Street NW
Seasons Washington 2800 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(1993 - )
SEI Washington 444 7th Street NW
(2009 - )
Senart's Oyster & Chop House Washington 520 8th Street SE
(2011 - )
Senses Bakery & Restaurant Washington 3206 Grace Street NW
(1999 - 2002)
Seven Reasons Washington 2208 14th Street NW
(2019 - )
Sfoglina Washington 4445 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2016 - )
Shake Shack DC Washington 1216 18th Street NW
(2011 - )
Share Our Strength Washington 1730 M Street NW
(1984 - )
The Shaw Bijou Washington 1544 9th Street NW
(2016 - 2017)
Shaw's Tavern Washington 520 Florida Avenue NW
(2011 - 2011 ; 2012 - )
The Sheppard Washington 1337 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2014 - 2015)
Shezan Washington Know the address? (Closed)
Signatures Washington 801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(2002 - 2005)
Simply Delicious Washington Know the address?
Siroc Washington 915 15th Street NW
(2009 - )
Sixth Engine Washington 438 Massachusetts Avenue NW
(2012 - )
Smith Commons Washington 1245 H Street NE
(2010 - 2020)
Smith Public Trust Washington 3514 12th Street NE
(2013 - 2020)
Smoke & Barrel Washington 2471 18th Street NW
(2011 - 2022)
Smoked & Stacked Washington 1239 9th Street NW
(2016 - )
Sofitel Lafayette Square Washington 806 15th Street NW
Sonoma Washington 223 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
(2005 - )
Sou'Wester Washington 1330 Maryland Avenue SW
(2009 - )
Souk Washington 1208 H Street NE
The Source Washington 575 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(2007 - 2020)
Spezie Ristorante Washington 1736 L Street NW
(2001 - 2010)
Spoken English Washington 1770 Euclid Street NW
(2018 - )
St. Anselm DC Washington 1250 5th Street NE
(2018 - )
The St. Regis Washington, D.C. Washington 923 16th Street NW
(1999 - )
Station 4 Washington 1101 4th Street SW
(2011 - )
Sticky Rice DC Washington 1224 H Street NE
Stir Food Group Washington 1319 F Street NW
(1999 - )
STK - Washington, D.C. Washington 1250 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2014 - )
Suna Washington 214 7th Street SE
(2012 - 2013)
Sushi Nakazawa Washington 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(2018 - )
Sushi-Go-Round and Tapas Washington 701 7th Street NW
Sutton Place Gourmet Washington 3201 New Mexico Avenue NW
Sweet Home Cafe Washington 1400 Constitution Avenue NW
(2016 - )
Sweetgreen Washington 3333 M Street NW
1512 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2007 - )
SYSCO Food Services of Baltimore Washington Know the address?
Tabard Inn Washington 1739 N Street NW
(1922 - )
Taberna del Alabardero Washington 1776 I Street NW
(1989 - )
Table Washington 903 N Street NW
(2012 - 2017)
Tackle Box Washington 3245 M Street NW
3407 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2008 - )
Tapori Washington 600 H Street NE
(2025 - )
Taqueria Nacional Washington 1409 T Street NW
400 North Capitol Street NW
(2013 - )
The Tavern at Ivy City Smokehouse Washington 1356 Oakie Street
(2016 - )
TD Burger Washington 250 K Street NE
(2013 - )
Teatro Goldoni Washington 1909 K Street NW
(1999 - 2012)
Teddy & The Bully Bar Washington 1200 19th Street NW
(2013 - )
TenPenh Washington 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(2000 - 2011)
Terasol Washington 5010 Connecticut Avenue NW
(2010 - )
ThinkFoodGroup Washington 425 8th Street NW
717 D Street NW
(1993 - )
Tico Washington 1920 14th Street NW
(2014 - )
Tiger Fork Washington 922 N Street NW
(2017 - )
Timothy Dean Restaurant and Bar Washington 923 16th Street NW
(2000 - 2002)
Todd Gray's Muse at the Corcoran Washington 500 17th Street NW
(2011 - 2014)
Todd Gray's Watershed Washington 1225 1st Street NE
(2011 - )
Toki Underground Washington 1234 H Street NE
(2011 - )
Topaz Bar Washington 1733 N Street NW
(2001 - )
Topo Atrio Washington 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Town Hall Washington 2218 Wisconsin Avenue NW
2340 Wisconsin Avenue NW
(2005 - )
Treasury Dining Room Washington Know the address?
Trump International Hotel Washington 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
(2016 - 2022)
Twenty-One Federal Washington 1736 L Street NW
(1987 - 1992)