Ray's Boathouse
and Ray's Café upstairs
6049 Seaview Avenue NW (1973 - Present)
955 2nd Avenue (1984 - 1989)
Seattle, Washington
Tel: 206.789.3770
  • A major fire closed Ray's from May 26, 1987 until April 1988.
  • The 2nd Avenue location was known as Ray's Downtown
  • Closed October 14, 2012 for re-modeling, reopened January 2013. Ray's Café remained open.
(1973 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2014 - Present Paul Duncan Chef de Cuisine
2013 - 2014 Paul Duncan Executive Sous Chef
2012 - 2013 Joe Ritchie Executive Sous Chef
2012 - Present Lorna Stokes Pastry Chef
2012 - 2014 Wayne Johnson Executive Chef
2010 Daniel Stoller Line Chef
2008 - 2009 Jeffrey Davidson Lead Cook
2007 - 2011 Peter Birk Executive Chef
2005 - 2006 Garrett Michael Brown Pantry Cook
2005 - 2006 Dan Phan Chef de Partie
2004 - 2005 Taylor Park Line Cook
2004 - 2007 Peter Birk Chef de Cuisine
2000 - 2004 Peter Birk Executive Sous Chef
1993 - 2006 Charles Ramseyer Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
1973 - Present Russ Wohlers Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2014-04-13

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