Fog City
1300 Battery Street
San Francisco, California
Tel: 415.982.2000
  • Real Restaurants Group
  • From opening in 1985 until early 2013 name was Fog City Diner.
  • Closed March 15, 2013 and after redesign reopened September 2013 as just "Fog City".
Designed by: Pat Kuleto (original); Michael Guthrie (redesign)
(1985 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2016 - Present Kenny Fox Chef de Cuisine
2015 - 2016 Javier Montano Chef de Cuisine
2013 - 2015 Aaron Toensing Pastry Chef
2013 - 2015 Erik Lowe Chef de Cuisine
2013 - Present Bruce Hill Executive Chef & Partner
2011 - 2012 Daniel Sudar Executive Chef
2010 - 2011 Philip Wang Executive Chef
2006 - 2007 Michael E. Rogers Executive Chef
2006 Rodger Babel Executive Chef
2004 Shawn Applin Executive Chef
2004 - 2006 David Seawell Executive Chef
  -- Bruce Hill Chef
1991 - 1997 Robert Cubberly Chef & Co-owner
1987 - 1988 Robert Cubberly Chef
1986 - 1987 Robert Cubberly Sous Chef
1986 Thom Fox Sous Chef
1985 Steve Pappas Executive Chef
1985 - 2000 Cindy Pawlcyn Chef & Co-owner
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2009 Ed Carew Menu Consultant
1985 - Present Bill Upson Co-owner/Partner
1985 - Present Bill Higgins Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2018-01-03

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