Bruce Hill
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In Bruce's own words ...
Chef/Owner of Bix, Picco, Pizzeria Picco, Zero Zero, and Fog City.

I am also the inventor of The Chef's Press, a vented and weight adjustable cooking tool.

The chefs Press is used daily by top chefs such as Dav
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Member-submitted profile Member since: October 23, 2008
Duration Place City Position
2013 - Present Fog City Executive Chef & Partner
2010 - Present Zero Zero Chef & Owner
2005 - Present Picco Executive Chef & Owner
2005 - Present Pizzeria Picco Chef & Owner
2002 - Present BIX Chef & Owner
  -- Betelnut Chef
  -- Fog City Diner Chef
1997 - 1999 Waterfront Restaurant Consulting Chef
Executive Chef
1993 - 1997 Oritalia Chef
[1990 - 1991] Aqua --
  -- Stars --
Last updated: 2016-03-30

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