Olives Boston
67 Main Street (Charlestown) (1989 - 1992)
10 City Square (1992 - 2013)
Boston, Massachusetts
  • Grease fires required closing for short periods in 2001 and 2007. In May 2010 a fire required considerable repair and Olives did not reopen until May 2012.
(1989 - 2010 ; 2012 - 2013)

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2012 - 2013 James Klewin Executive Chef
2012 Joe Brenner Chef
2009 - 2010 Katie Kimble Pastry Chef
2005 - 2007 Katie Kimble Pastry Chef
  -- Pichet Ong --
  -- David Bazirgan --
  -- Clay Conley --
1998 - 1999 Robert DeCoste Sous Chef
1997 - 1999 Adrian Hoffman Sous Chef
1997 - 1998 Steve Mannino Tournant
  -- Justin Panzer --
  -- Suzanne Goin Sous Chef
1992 - 1993 Paul O'Connell Chef de Cuisine
Sous Chef
  -- Anthony Susi --
  -- Barbara Lynch --
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
1989 - 2013 Todd English Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2013-12-02

1989 openings |  2010 closings |  Places in Boston  | Places in Massachusetts | Places in The United States | Places in the 02129 ZIP code | Area(s): Charlestown


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