Chicago Stock Exchange Building
440 South La Salle Street
Chicago, Illinois
Tel: 312.663.8920
  • Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises
  • Planning to close after service, December 31, 2020.
(1986 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2009 - Present Louis Dourlain Entremetier
2008 - 2009 Chad Gelso Stagiaire
2006 - 2008 Erica Waksmunski Pastry Cook
2005 - 2008 Paul Dobroski Poissonier
2005 - 2009 Joel Reno Pastry Chef
2005 - 2007 Christopher Laramie Executive Sous Chef
2001 - 2003 Jeremy Bringardner Line Chef
2001 - 2003 Dustin Osuch Poissonier
1999 Rachael Harriman Chef de Partie
  -- Michael Sheerin --
1998 - 2001 Patrick Sheerin Chef Poissonier
  -- Paul Virant --
1994 - 1995 Michael Howell Chef Poissonier
1990 - 1991 Greg Lutes Apprentice/Commis
1986 - Present Jean Joho Chef & Co-owner
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2001 - 2005 Alpana Singh Sommelier
Last updated: 2017-12-19

  • "Everest" is the middle name of the owner of the building in which the restaurant operates.


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