Rundles Restaurant
9 Cobourg Street
Stratford, Ontario
  • Also, Rundles' Sophisto-Bistro (2008)
(1977 - 2017)

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
  -- Emily Duclos Tournant
2008 Johnny Oran Apprentice/Commis
2007 Benjamin Sachse Garde Manger
2005 - 2006 Michael Fullerton Apprentice/Commis
2003 - 2004 Geoff O'Connor Cook
1999 - 2000 Dan Donovan Cook
1998 - 1999 Jeff Sample Chef de Partie
1997 - 1999 Aaron Linley Sous Chef
  -- John Pekka Woods Apprentice/Commis
1994 - 1997 Aaron Linley Apprentice
1990 - 1995 Deborah Reid Garde Manger - Entremetier
1984 - 1992 Michael Taylor Apprentice/Commis
1983 - 1985 Chris Woolf Sous Chef
1981 - 2017 Neil Baxter
Neil is also 'Master of Cuisine' at the Stratford Chefs School
Chef de Cuisine
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
  -- Richard Maloney Head Waiter
1977 - 2017 James Morris Owner/Proprietor
[1977 - 1980] Bill Munnelly Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2024-08-19

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