Deborah Reid
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In Deborah's own words ...
Professional chef living a delicious life. Celebrating 25 years of working within striking distance of a Garland range. My appetite is as large as my enthusiasm. ... More

Deborah   Reid

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Member-submitted profile Member since: April 8, 2010
Duration Place City Position
2012 - Present Deborah Reid Chef
Culinary Consultant
2004 - 2012 George Brown College Chef Professor
2000 The River Café Stagiaire
1996 - 2001 The Old Prune Sous Chef
1994 - 2001 Stratford Chefs School Chef Instructor - Larder
1994 BIBA Stagiaire
1993 - 2001 Stratford Chefs School Assistant to Executive Directors
1993 Le Royal Grey Stagiaire
1990 - 1995 Rundles Restaurant Garde Manger - Entremetier
1989 - 1990 Le Bistingo Garde Manger
Last updated: 2016-04-24


Born in Canada

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