The Herbfarm Restaurant
32804 Issaquah-Fall City Road (Fall City) (1986 - 1997)
Hedges Cellars (Issaquah) (1999 - 2001)
14590 NE 145th Street (2001 - Present)
Woodinville, Washington
Tel: 425.485.5300
(1986 - 1997 ; 1999 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2011 - Present Ben Smart Sous Chef
2011 - Present Chris Weber Chef de Cuisine
2010 - 2011 Anthony Demes Chef de Cuisine
2009 - 2010 Lisa Nakamura Chef de Cuisine
2008 - 2011 Chris Weber Sous Chef
Line Cook
2007 - 2010 Keith Luce Executive Chef
2002 - 2006 Joe Ritchie Sous Chef
  -- Matthew Dillon Sous Chef
1990 - 2007 Jerry Traunfeld Executive Chef
1986 - 1990 Ron Zimmerman Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
1986 - 2023 Ron Zimmerman Co-owner/Partner
Culinary Director
1986 - Present Carrie Van Dyck Co-owner/Partner
  -- Lola Zimmerman Founder
  -- Bill Zimmerman Founder
Last updated: 2023-04-22


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