Equus and Jack's Lounge
122 Sears Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky
Tel: 502.897.9721
  • Equus Restaurant opened in 1985 and Jack's Lounge opened in 2000. They operated separately until 2010 when after reformatting they were combined as Equus and Jack's Lounge.
(1985 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2018 - Present Jon Pauly Executive Chef
2018 S. Dean Corbett Consulting Chef
2010 - 2014 Tavis Rockwell Executive Chef
2010 Dallas McGarity Executive Chef
  -- Chris King Chef de Cuisine
2009 Nick Sullivan Chef de Partie
2007 - Present Kevin Rice Corporate Chef
2006 - 2007 Kevin Rice Chef de Cuisine
2006 - 2009 Chris King Sous Chef
1985 - 2018 S. Dean Corbett Chef & Owner
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2018 - Present Thomas Barnes Partner
2018 - Present Jared Matthews Owner/Partner
1985 - 2000 John S. Corbett Backer
Last updated: 2018-10-16

  • Jack's Lounge was named after Chef Corbett's father, John S. Corbett, who passed away in 2000 shortly before the lounge was opened.

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