The William Tell
The Georgian Court Hotel
Richards Street (1964 - 1983)
765 Beatty Street (1983 - Present)
Vancouver, British Columbia
(1964 - 2010)

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2005 - Present Christian Mosimann Executive Chef
2002 - 2003 Ryan Lewis Executive Chef
2000 - 2002 Marian (Mike) Holan Sous Chef
[1997 - 1999] Todd Konrad Chef or Executive Chef
1994 - 1995 Mark Halyk Junior Sous Chef
[1992 - 1993] Patrice le Petitcorps Executive Chef
  -- Geoff Garlinge Apprentice/Commis
[1990] Lars Jorgensen Executive Chef
1990 - 1992 Pierre Dubrulle Executive Chef
1989 - 1992 Dino Renaerts Apprentice/Commis
[1989] David Foot --
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2005 - 2010 Philippe Doebeli Owner/Proprietor
1971 - 2005 Erwin Doebeli Owner/Proprietor
1964 - 1971 Hans Kummer Co-owner/Partner
1964 - 1971 John Newliffe Co-owner/Partner
1964 - 1971 Erwin Doebeli Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2016-02-08

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