Three Small Rooms
Windsor Arms Hotel
18 St. Thomas Street
Toronto, Ontario
(1966 - 1991)

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
  -- David Ross Apprentice/Commis
1988 - 1989 Robert Clark Restaurant Chef
Sous Chef
  -- Gordon Mackie --
1988 - 1990 Michael Ewing Restaurant Chef
1987 - 1989 Marc Thuet Executive Sous Chef
1984 - 1987 Robert Clark Apprentice/Commis
1981 - 1985 Dante Rota Restaurant Chef
1980 - 1981 Ian G. Thomson Apprentice/Commis
  -- Jacky Ternisien Restaurant Chef
1977 - 1978 Hans-Ulrich Herzig Restaurant Chef
1966 - 1985 Herbert Sonzogni Chef or Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
[1975] Frederick Complin Server
Last updated: 2007-05-26

  • The Three Small Rooms were The Grill, The Winecellar and The Restaurant

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