Samuel Glass
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Member-submitted profile Member since: January 27, 2007
Duration Place City Position
2008 - Present Centennial College Chef Professor
2002 - 2008 Mississauga Chef School Director of Education
2001 - 2002 George Brown College Chef Professor
2000 - 2006 Perlman Camp
Executive Chef
1999 - 2001 Humber College - North Campus Chef Instructor
1995 - 1999 Oakdale Golf & Country Club Executive Chef
1988 - 1995 Caterers York Executive Chef
1987 - 1988 Park Plaza Hotel Sous Chef
1985 - 1987 Millcroft Inn & Spa Sous Chef
1985 Hostellerie La Poularde Stagiaire
1985 Le Clos Fleuri Stagiaire
1984 - 1985 Hostellerie du Lion d'Or Stagiaire
1983 - 1984 Jerusalem Hilton Chef Garde Manger
1982 - 1983 Windsor Arms Hotel Apprentice/Commis
Last updated: 2010-02-22



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