David Chan
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In David's own words ...
Born and raised in Toronto, Trained by European Chefs in French Classical cuisine, Other cuisines include Tex Mex, California Fresh, Asian Influences and Fusion with a classical continental training background,
involved in hospitali
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Member-submitted profile Member since: February 19, 2014
Duration Place City Position
2013 Granite Golf Club Executive Chef - Culinary Operation
1998 - 2012 Swashbucklers/Pier 4 Executive Chef - Culinary Operation
Last updated: 2014-03-02

Born in Canada

Cuisines and Specialties (self-selected):
American | Asian | Bistro | Cajun / Creole | Californian | Canadian | Chinese | Continental | French | Greek | Hawaiian | Heart Healthy | International | Italian | Japanese | Malaysian / Singaporean | Mediterranean | Mexican | Organic | Seafood | Shellfish | Southeast Asian | Spanish | Steakhouse | Tapas | Thai | Vegetarian | West Coast


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