Elaina Asselin

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Recently Added

Duration Place City Position
2006 - Present Wicklow Way Co-owner/Proprietor
2005 - 2006 Hillcrest Victorian Inn Executive Chef
2002 - 2004 Whole Foods Market Chef or Executive Chef
2000 - 2001 Roxborough's Chef & Co-owner
1999 - 2000 Boston Tavern Executive Chef
1999 Abracadabra Chef or Executive Chef
[1997 - 1998] Ellipsis Chef or Executive Chef
Pastry Chef
[1997] Le Nouveau Parigo Chef or Executive Chef
  -- Avalon Pastry Chef
  -- Toqué! --
  -- King Ranch --
  -- Scaramouche --
Last updated: 2020-04-26

External references


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