Sandy Beall
(Samuel E. Beall III)

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Duration Place City Position
1976 - 1998 Blackberry Farm Co-founder
1972 - 2012 Ruby Tuesday Co-founder
Last updated: 2017-08-24

  • Mr. Samuel E. Beall, Sandy, III, Co-founded Ruby Tuesday Inc. in 1972 and has been the Chief Executive Officer since May 1995 and President since July 2004. Mr. Beall served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Ruby Tuesday Inc. from June 1992 to May 1995, President and Chief Operating Officer from September 1986 to June 1992, and held various executive positions from April 1982 to September 1986. He served as Executive Vice President of Morrison in 1985, and was elected President and Chief Operating Officer in 1987. (See Bloomberg.)

Born in 1950


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