Jean-Louis Dumonet
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Member-submitted profile Member since: September 11, 2009
Duration Place City Position
2021 - Present Roaring Gap Club Executive Chef
2020 - 2021 Restaurant Rochambeau Executive Chef & Co-owner
2019 - 2020 The Heights Casino Executive Chef
2017 - 2018 Dumonet Brooklyn Executive Chef & Co-owner
2008 - 2017 Union Club Executive Chef
2005 - 2008 Saks Fifth Avenue Corporate Executive Chef
Food & Beverage Director
2001 - 2005 The Carlyle Executive Chef
2001 Rhone Executive Chef
2000 Palladin Executive Chef
1992 - 2000 Trois Jean Executive Chef & Owner
1987 - 1991 Jean-Louis Dumonet Executive Chef & Owner
1985 - 1986 Ninety Park Lane Executive Chef
1983 - 1987 Restaurant L'Oasis Commis
1983 - 1985 Normandie Grill Executive Chef
Last updated: 2021-02-09


Born in France | Born in 1959 | Maitres Cuisiniers de France | External references


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