Gilbert Thomas Brown-Frandsen
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In Gilbert Thomas's own words ...
Strengths: Hard working, keeping a constant overview. I do not get stressed and I'm very good with people around me also in situations of pressure.

Weaknesses: Impatient with none constructive complainers i.e. apprentices tha
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Member-submitted profile Member since: January 12, 2008
Duration Place City Position
2009 - Present Novo Nordisk VTB Senior Executive Sous Chef
2007 - 2009 Sticks 'n' Sushi Sushi Chef
2006 - 2007 Hotel Le Sylvana Head Chef
2006 - 2007 Family Moeskops Private Chef
2004 - 2006 Sticks 'n' Sushi Sushi Chef
2002 - 2004 Passagens Spisehus Executive Chef
2002 Café Ultimo Tivoli Cook
2001 - 2002 Restaurant ETC Cook
2001 Café Ketchup Chef
1998 - 2000 Café Victor Apprentice/Commis
1997 - 1998 Kokkeriet Spisehus Apprentice/Commis
1996 - 1997 Hotel Le Grand Rousse Apprentice/Commis
1996 Kong Hans Kælder Apprentice/Commis
Last updated: 2010-12-28


Born in 1978

Cuisines and Specialties (self-selected):
Asian | French | Japanese | Local


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