General Information
plus  What is ChefDb?
plus  Who started ChefDb?  What is the history of the site?
Adding or updating information
plus  Who is eligible for listing?
plus  How do I get myself listed on ChefDb?
plus  How do I update or correct information already listed on ChefDb?
plus  How do I add records for people not already listed?
plus  How long after I submit information to ChefDb will it be reflected on the Web site?
Registration, login and password information
plus  How do I register/create an account with ChefDb?
plus  Why am I being asked to use my personal email address when registering?
plus  I submitted my registration information to ChefDb but never received my activation email.  Why is this?
plus  How do I change my password or email address?
plus  I'm being told my login name and/or password are incorrect.  How do I fix this?
plus  I've forgotten my password. How do I get a new one?
plus  I've requested a new password, but it was never sent to me.  What do I do?
Member Profiles
plus  What is my member profile page?  How is it different from my ChefDb profile page?
plus  How do people view my member profile page?
plus  I don't have a ChefDb profile page.  Can I still display my member profile information?
plus  What can I include in my personal bio?
plus  How do I upload my resume?
plus  What resume formats do you accept?
plus  Why isn't my member profile information appearing on my member profile page?
plus  How do I hide or replace my existing resume?
Questions about our data
plus  Where do you get your information and how reliable is it?
plus  How much information do you have?
plus  How do you accurately determine a person's position or title?
plus  How do you accurately determine a person's years of employment or ownership?
plus  I've noticed some restaurants list personnel as working at the restaurant before it opened.  How is this possible?
plus  Can I obtain a copy of your database for my research project?
Looking for people or information
plus  I need to speak with a chef listed on your site.  Can you put me in touch with him/her?
plus  Whatever happened to .... ?
Contacting ChefDb
plus  I contacted ChefDb several days ago and still haven't heard back.  Why aren't you answering me?
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