New York, New York, United States
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Results 1,901 - 1,950 of 3,037 in New York
Place Address Closed?
MetCafé 510 Madison Avenue  
Métrazur Grand Central Terminal, East Balcony
Metro 23 East 74th Street  
Metro Marché 625 8th Avenue  
Metropol 234 West 4th Street  
Metropole 18 West 18th Street  
Metropolis by Marcus Samuelsson 251 Fulton Street  
Metropolis Cafe 31 Union Square W.  
Mi 66 Madison Avenue  
Mia Dona 206 East 58th Street  
Michael Jordan's The Steak House N.Y.C. 23 Vanderbilt Avenue  
Michael Skurnik Wines 48 West 25th Street  
Michael's 24 West 55th Street  
Mickey Mantle's Restaurant 42 Central Park South  
Mika SoHo
Mikey's Burger 134 Ludlow Street  
Mile End Delicatessen 53 Bond Street  
Milk Bar 360 Smith Street
207 2nd Avenue  (2008 - 2011)
15 West 56th Street  (2009 - Present)
251 East 13th Street  (2008 - Present)
561 Columbus Avenue  (2011 - Present)
Millennium Broadway Hotel 145 West 44th Street  
Millennium Hilton 55 Church Street  
Millennium Hilton New York One UN Plaza 1 UN Plaza  
Millesime 92 Madison Avenue  
The Milling Room 446 Columbus Avenue  
Mimosa 1354 1st Avenue
Minetta Tavern 113 MacDougal Street  
Mini Deli 1266 2nd Avenue  
Mint Catering 450 West 33rd Street  
Minton's Playhouse 208 West 118th Street  
Miracle Bar and Grill 112 1st Avenue  (1988 - 2006)
415 Bleecker Street  (1997 - 2009)
Mirezi 59 5th Avenue  
Mischa 157 East 53rd Street  
Miss Lily's 132 West Houston Street  
Miss Lily's 7A Café 109 Avenue A  
Mission Cantina 172 Orchard Street  
Mission Ceviche Restaurant & Bar 1400 2nd Avenue  
Mission Chinese Food 154 Orchard Street  (2012 - 2013)
171 East Broadway  (2014 - 2020)
Mister French 218 Bowery  
Mix in New York 68 West 58th Street  
Mix-It 20 Prince Street  
Moda 135 West 52nd Street  
The Modern 9 West 53rd Street  
Mojo 309 East 5th Street  
Molyvos 871 7th Avenue  
Momofuku Culinary Lab Know the address?
Momofuku Group 853 Broadway  
Momofuku Ko 163 1st Avenue  (2008 - 2014)
4-8 Extra Place  (2014 - Present)
Momofuku Má Pêche 15 West 56th Street  
Momofuku Nishi 232 8th Avenue  
Momofuku Noodle Bar 171 1st Avenue  (2007 - Present)
163 1st Avenue  (2004 - 2007)
10 Columbus Circle
Momofuku Ssäm Bar 207 2nd Avenue  (2006 - 2020)
89 South Street  (2021 - Present)

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1.  Frog Club
2.  Khe-Yo
3.  Sel et Poivre
4.  Mischa
5.  La Grenouille
6.  Marc Forgione
7.  Mini Deli
8.  Gertrude
9.  Maialino
10.  Marta