Hogan's Restaurant
12998 Keele Street
King City, Ontario
Tel: 905.833.5311
  • Formerly Hogan's Inn

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2013 - 2014 Meagan Andrews Executive Sous Chef
2011 - 2012 Mathew Worman Executive Sous Chef
2002 Mark Jermolow Station Chef
1998 Scott Baechler --
1995 - 2005 Robert Steele Executive Chef
1995 Stephen Treadwell Executive Chef
[1995] Peter Colberg Executive Chef
[1994] Lino Collevecchio Executive Chef
1994 - 1995 Robert Steele Sous Chef
1994 - 1995 Mark Jermolow Chef Assistant
1986 - 1989 James Charman Head Chef
Sous Chef
1979 - 1982 James Charman Apprentice/Commis
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
  -- Andrew Laliberte Sommelier
  -- Bob Rose Owner
Last updated: 2020-05-16

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