Wolfgang Puck Catering
Hollywood & Highland Center
6801 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, California
Tel: 323.491.1250
(1998 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2018 - 2019 Zeev Nitzan Ginsburg Senior Cook
2016 - Present Eric Klein Vice President Culinary
2008 - 2010 Michael Ruiz Sous Chef
2007 - Present Timothy Joseph Karaba Sous Chef
2007 - Present Jason Seibert Sous Chef
2007 Marc Adenwala Line Chef
2005 - Present Chris Cristobal Sous Chef
2004 - 2005 Christopher Eddy Line Cook
1999 - 2001 Joshua Brown Line Cook
1999 - 2002 Hugo Bolanos Line Cook
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2001 - Present Aimee Tran Administrator
1998 - 2016 Matt Bencivenga
Wolfgang Puck Catering
Executive Chef
1998 - Present Carl Schuster Chief Executive Officer
1998 - Present Wolfgang Puck Principal Partner
Last updated: 2022-08-03

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