Fieramosca Trattoria
52 Avenue Road (1980 - 1996)
36A Prince Arthur Avenue (1996 - Present)
Toronto, Ontario
Tel: 416.323.0636
  • Also known as Da Fieramosca
(1980 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
1995 - 1996 Leo Schipani Chef or Executive Chef
[1994] Carlo Esposito Chef or Executive Chef
  -- Paolo Scoppio --
[1990] Bruno Marangoni Chef or Executive Chef
[1990 - 1991] Rosa Ruggiero Chef or Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2013 - 2016 Marco Thompson Event Manager
2010 - Present Floriana Micucci Owner/Partner
[2005 - Present] Edwin Vertani General Manager
1980 - 2015 Mario Micucci Owner/Proprietor
Last updated: 2023-12-23

1980 openings | Places in Toronto  | Places in Ontario | Places in Canada | Places in the M5R postal code | Area(s): The Annex


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