Ruth's Chris Steak House
Hilton Toronto
145 Richmond Street W.
Toronto, Ontario
Tel: 416.955.1455
  • Reopened in November 2019 after a 3-month renovation (DesignAgency).
(1995 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2016 - 2018 Ibrahim Hodroj Executive Chef
2015 - 2016 Peter Morris Executive Chef
2007 - Present Bryce Burley Sous Chef
[2005 - 2007] Charlth Dissanayake Sous Chef
2002 - Present Jess Ostlund Executive Chef
[2000 - 2001] Andrew Dunlop Chef or Executive Chef
[1998 - 2004] Charlth Dissanayake Cook
1997 - 2003 Clayton Kistner Executive Sous Chef
Sous Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2007 - 2008 April Kilpatrick General Manager
2005 - 2007 April Kilpatrick Sommelier
1998 - 2005 April Kilpatrick Sommelier
Assistant Manager
  -- Gord Purdy Manager
1995 - 1997 Liz Hollyer General Manager
1995 - Present Lana Duke Owner/Proprietor
Last updated: 2019-11-21

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