La Crémaillère Restaurant
46 Bedford-Banksville Road
Bedford, New York
Tel: 914.234.9647
  • Before 1947, owner Antoine Gilly owned La Crémaillère in New York on 64th Street between Madison and Park Avenues.
(1947 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
1999 - 2006 William (Will) Savarese Executive Chef
  -- Carl Schroeder Cook
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
1992 - Present Robert Olivier Meyzen Owner/Proprietor
1962 - 1992 Robert Louis Meyzen Owner/Proprietor
1947 - 1962 Antoine Gilly Owner/Proprietor
Last updated: 2009-10-21

  • The word "crémaillère" in French literally means a trammel, which is the adjustable hook on which a stewing pot is attached.

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