234 West 44th Street (1927 - Present)
New York, New York
Tel: 212.221.8440
(1921 - 1990 ; 1991 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
1994 - Present Patrick Alain Pinon Executive Chef
1991 - 1995 Robert McGowan Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
1991 - 1997 Vincent Sardi Jr. Owner/Operator
1990 - Present Max Klimavicius Co-owner
Managing Partner
General Manager
1985 - 1991 Stuart Lichtenstein Co-owner/Partner
1985 - 1991 Harvey Klaris Co-owner/Partner
1985 - 1991 Ivan Bloch Co-owner/Partner
1947 - 1985 Vincent Sardi Jr. Owner/Operator
1921 - 1947 Vincent Sardi Sr. Owner/Operator
Last updated: 2022-01-06

  • The original restaurant (1921) was in a basement brownstone and had the official name Little Restaurant but was known to its customers as "Sardi's". When this site was demolished in 1927 the new restaurant in the current location was named Sardi's

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