Elite Cafe
2049 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, California
Tel: 415.346.8668
  • From 1928 to 1932 site was Lincoln Grill; and from 1932 to 1979 was Asia CafĂ©.
(1981 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2016 - Present Chris Borges Executive Chef
2014 - 2016 James London Executive Chef
  -- Donald Link Executive Chef
  -- Donald Link --
1994 - 1997 David Mahler Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2016 - Present Andrew Chun Owner
2005 - 2016 Peter Snyderman Owner
1981 - 2005 Tom Clendening Owner
  -- Sam DuVall Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2016-09-27

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