Clift Hotel
495 Geary Street
San Francisco, California
Tel: 415.775.4700
  • Became part of the Morgans Hotel Group in 2001.
  • Redwood Room (From 1933)
(1915 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2017 - 2019 Dawn Taylor-Cole Executive Chef
1986 Robert Cubberly Rounds Cook
Last updated: 2019-11-21

  • In 1913, Frederick C. Clift, an attorney from a large family in the Sierra foothills, commissioned a 300-room hotel on a lot the family had inherited. The architect, a former student of Ecole de Beaux Arts, was George Applegarth of McDonald and Applegarth, who also designed the Palace of the Legion of Honor.[1] The hotel opened on February 1, 1915. (Wikipedia)
  • Since it opened in 1915, the hotel has had many owners and names, for example: 1978-1995 Four Seasons Clift Hotel; 1995-1997 The Clift, a Grand Heritage Hotel; 1997- ? Clift (an Ian Schrager hotel); 2018 - Present The Clift Royal Sonesta Hotel

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