Hy's Steakhouse
73 Richmond Street W. (1969 - 1999)
133 Yorkville Avenue (1972 - 1982)
120 Adelaide Street W. (1999 - 2018)
365 Bay Street (2019 - Present)
Toronto, Ontario
Tel: 416.364.6600
  • Originally Hy's Steak Loft.
(1969 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2016 - Present Saku Velummylum Executive Chef
  -- Michael Grassam Executive Chef
[1993] Joseph Murray Chef or Executive Chef
[1974] Robert Defraene Chef or Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
1988 - Present David Aisenstat President
[1978 - Present] Michael Shatz General Manager
[1976 - 1978] Eddie Shatz
Yorkville Avenue
[1971 - 1979] Jack Shatz
Eastern Distict - Hy's
Operations Manager
1969 - 1988 Hy Aisenstat Owner/Proprietor
Last updated: 2019-11-12

  • The first Hy's opened in Calgary in 1955.

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