The Ritz-Carlton Boston
15 Arlington Street
Boston, Massachusetts
  • The Dining Room; The CafĂ©; The Bar; The Lounge
  • Became Taj Boston January 2007
(1927 - 2005)

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2004 Philip Mahl
The Dining Room
Garde Manger
2002 - 2004 Max E. Kiperman
The Dining Room
Sous Chef
2002 - 2005 Brian M. Chan
The Dining Room
Garde Manger
2002 - 2005 Tony Esnault
The Dining Room
Chef de Cuisine
2002 - 2006 Gael Cruchet
Re-opening Chef
Executive Chef
  -- Susan Wallace --
1997 - 1998 Steve Polowy
Dining Room
Line Cook
1989 - 1994 Matthew Zubrod
Apprentice Program
Assistant Dining Room Chef
1989 - 1991 John Coleman Saucier
Last updated: 2010-10-31

  • This is the original Ritz-Carlton hotel. Others opened shortly but did not survive the depression, and from 1940 to 1975 this was the only surviving Ritz-Carlton. When it closed the Ritz-Carlton Boston was the longest continuously operated Ritz-Carlton in the United States.

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