Rosewood San Miguel de Allende
Nemesio Diez 11
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato (Mexico)
Tel: +52 415 152 9700
(2011 - )

Recently Added to ChefDb - San Miguel de Allende
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2.  Moxi
3.  The Restaurant
4.  Mezzanine Bistro
5.  Hotel Matilda
6.  Casa de Sierra Nevada
7.  BOBO Events and Catering
8.  CAKE el arte en postres y dulces
9.  Sugar Lounge

Recently Open - San Miguel de Allende
1.  Rosewood San Miguel de Allende
2.  The Restaurant
3.  Sugar Lounge
4.  CAKE el arte en postres y dulces
5.  Moxi
6.  Mezzanine Bistro
7.  Hotel Matilda
8.  Casa de Sierra Nevada
9.  BOBO Events and Catering

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2018 - Present Vincent Wallez Executive Chef
2016 - Present Carlos Hannon Executive Chef
2012 - 2016 Victor Palma Executive Chef
2010 - 2012 Carlos Hannon
Pre-opening Team
Executive Chef
Last updated: 2018-09-17

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