Le Papillon
71 Jarvis Street (1974 - 1980)
106 Front Street E. (1980 - 1992)
16 Church Street (1992 - 2008)
Toronto, Ontario
(1974 - 2008)

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2006 Nicolas Petit Pastry Chef
2005 Karen Clark
[2005 - 2006] Mohamed (Mo) Hassim Executive Chef
2004 - 2005 Andrea Brulé Pastry Chef
[2002 - 2004] Malik Abdul Roman Executive Chef
[1994 - 1996] Tom Abrahamsen Executive Chef
  -- Tony Prashad Executive Chef
  -- Margaret MacKay Kitchen Hand
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
  -- Margaret MacKay Manager
1983 - 2008 Danielle Bigué Co-owner/Partner
1973 - 2008 Paul Bigué Co-owner/Partner
Founding Partner
1973 - 2008 Sandra Kane Co-owner/Partner
Founding Partner
Last updated: 2009-12-01

  • Le Papillon is French for The Butterfly.

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