- In 1984, single mother Tu Doan and her three children made the journey from South Vietnam to
Terrytown, Louisiana, to start a new life. Mamma
Tu had made her living in Saigon as a restaurant cook. Upon her arrival in this area, she brought her skills to Tu Do restaurant on Manhattan Boulevard in Harvey. Tu Do was one of the first Vietnamese restaurants on the West Bank.
She worked at Tu Do until 1990 when she opened her own restaurant, Hoa Hong 9 Roses, on 8th
Street in Harvey. The whole family, including the children, worked at the new restaurant.
In 1993, Mamma Tu’s oldest child, Ana, graduated
from LSU with a degree in business administration.
After graduation, Ana went to work at the highly acclaimed and very popular Five Happiness
Restaurant in New Orleans.In 1996, the Doan family made the move from the small building on 8th Street to the restaurant’s current location on Stephens Street in Gretna. By this time, Ana was married to Jeff Nguyen and they joined Mamma Tu to run the new and expanded 9 Roses. Mamma Tu, Ana, Jeff, and their families have built 9 Roses into a successful restaurant ... (From The West Bank Beacon)