The Post Hotel
200 Pipestone Road
Lake Louise, Alberta
Tel: 403.522.3989
  • Was known as the Lake Louise Ski Lodge from 1942 to 1957
(1942 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2007 - 2008 Olivier Boulais Chef de Rang
2005 - Present Hans Sauter Executive Chef
2002 - 2005 Charles Kerr Sous Chef
1996 - 1999 Thomas Neukom Chef de Partie
1995 - 1996 Loren Bourgeault --
1994 - 2005 Wolfgang Vogt Executive Chef
1989 - 1991 Stefan Zauner Chef Garde Manger
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2011 - Present Neal Murphy Evening Server
1978 - Present George Schwarz Co-owner/Partner
1978 - Present André Schwarz Co-owner/Partner
1942 - 1978 Sir Norman Watson Owner/Proprietor
Last updated: 2014-01-25

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