Deactur Street (1856 - 1914)
823 Decatur Street (1914 - 2020)
429 Decatur Street (2020 - Present)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Tel: 504.525.8676
  • For a number of years before 1914 the 823 Decatur site was Begue’s. The chef proprietor there was Elizabeth Kettenring Dutreuil Begue,
  • Claimed to be the second oldest restaurant in New Orleans and the third oldest in the U.S.
(1856 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2024 - Present Meg Gray Executive Chef
2018 - 2021 Thomas Robey Executive Chef
2013 - 2018 Richard Bickford Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2013 - Present Mark Latter Owner
1982 - Present Stanford Latter Landlord
1982 - 2013 Steven Latter Owner
1932 - 1982 Guichet Family Owner
[1914] Jean-Dominic Castet Co-owner/Partner
1911 - 1932 Philibert Guichet Jr. Co-owner/Partner
  -- Guillaume Tujague Founder
Last updated: 2024-10-02

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