Diana Sweets
153 Yonge Street (1912 - 1928)
725 Queen Street E.
526 Bloor Street W.
187 Yonge Street (Closed 1987)
188 Bloor Street W.
Other Multiple Locations
Toronto, Ontario
(Opened 1912 ;  Closed)

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
1968 - 1985 Bill Marinis Chef
1958 - 1959 Athanasios Karamanos Cook
1950 - 1989 John Korotki Chef or Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
[1957 - 1985] George Boukydis Co-owner/Partner
  -- Constantine (Gus) Boukydis Co-owner/Partner
  -- Charles Boukydis
Father of Constantine and George Boukydis.
[1912 - 1930] Gus Boukydis
Uncle of Constantine and George Boukydis.
Last updated: 2016-08-21

  • Diana Sweets began as a candy store and was named for Diana, the Grecian goddess of the hunt.

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