Back Bay Restaurant Group
BBRG Corporate Office
264 Newbury Street
Boston, Massachusetts
  • Abe & Louie's; Atlantic Fish; Bouchée; Charley's; Coach Grill; Joe's; Papa Razzi
  • In 2011 33 BBRG restaurants were acquired by Tavistock Restaurant Collection (TRC).
(1992 - 2011)

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1992 - 2011 Charles F. Sarkis Founder
Last updated: 2019-11-23

  • In 1964 Charles Sarkis formed the Westwood Group which through the years opened many restaurants . In 1992 the group went public as the Back Bay Restaurant Group (BBRG). In 1999 BBRG again went private. In 2011 BBRG was acquired by Tavistock Restaurants.
  • In 2011, Back Bay Restaurant Group sold 33 of its restaurants, which included 15 Joe's American Bar & Grill locations, 12 Papa Razzi restaurants and its flagship enterprise, Abe & Louie's, to the Tavistock Restaurants, LLC.[5][4] In March 2012 he sold seven Papa Razzi locations to the Newport Harbor Group.[6] In December 2013, it closed its final two Massachusetts restaurants, Papa Razzi and Joe's American Bar and Grill in Hanover.[7] Its final two restaurants, both located in New Jersey, were closed at the end of March 2018.[8]

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