Loose Moose Tap & Grill
220 Adelaide Street W. (1989 - 2000)
146 Front Street W. (2001 - Present)
Toronto, Ontario
Tel: 416.977.8840
  • SIR Corp - Signature Division
(1989 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2013 Scott Cooney Junior Sous Chef
2011 - Present Matt Rosen Chef de Cuisine
2009 - 2011 Cary Bynoe Executive Chef
2001 - 2009 Earl Watson Executive Chef
1994 - 1995 Andrew Wildenboer Sous Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2009 - Present Robert (Bobby) Smith General Manager
2009 Michelle Tham Bar Manager
2003 - 2005 Dan Dorion
Bar Manager
2002 - 2004 Bruce Woodcock General Manager
2001 - Present Donna Rowan Assistant General Manager
1988 - Present Peter Fowler
Last updated: 2014-11-18

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