Pointe Restaurant
Wickaninnish Inn
500 Osprey Lane
Tofino, British Columbia
Tel: 250.725.3100
(1996 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2023 - Present Clayton Fontaine Executive Chef
2019 - 2023 Clayton Fontaine Sous Chef
2019 - 2023 Carmen Ingham Executive Chef
2013 - 2015 David Sider Restaurant Chef
2013 - 2018 Warren Barr Executive Chef
2010 - 2011 Jason Dobbie Sous Chef
2009 William Beere Cook
2005 - 2006 Bruno Feldeisen Executive Pastry Chef
2004 - 2005 Matthias Conradi Pastry Chef
2003 - Present Andrew Springett Chef de Cuisine
2003 Mike Bebault
Acting Senior Sous Chef
Sous Chef
2001 - 2002 Justin Labossiere Cook Apprentice
2000 - 2001 Deron Engbers Sous Chef
1999 - 2003 Jim Garraway Executive Chef
[1999 - 2001] Richard Moore Sous Chef
1998 - 2001 Matthias Conradi Pastry Chef
[1998 - 1999] Richard Moore Chef de Partie
1996 - 1999 Jim Garraway Sous Chef
1996 - 1999 Rodney Butters Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2013 - 2016 Daniel Vogel Food & Beverage Service Manager
2011 - 2012 Daniel Vogel Restaurant Manager
2007 - 2011 Daniel Vogel Assistant Restaurant Manager
1996 - 1998 Bruce McDiarmid Manager
Last updated: 2023-12-21

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