Glowbal Grill
steaks & satay
1079 Mainland Street (2002 - 2014)
590 West Georgia, TELUS Garden (2015 - Present)
Vancouver, British Columbia
Tel: 604.602.0835
  • AFTERglow Lounge at back (1082 Hamilton St.)
  • Prior to the rebranding in January 2010 was known as glowbal grill & satay bar.
Designed by: Evoke International Design (Nicolay and Roberts)
Seating Capacity: 100 (approx.)
(2002 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2013 Amanulla Khan Executive Sous Chef
2012 - 2014 Kris Kabush Executive Chef
2011 - 2012 Jason Vallee Executive Chef
2011 Nathan Wright Executive Chef
2010 - 2011 Erik Heck Executive Chef
2009 - 2011 Jonathan Chuy Sous Chef
2008 - 2010 Alfred Contiga Pastry Chef
2007 - 2008 Sascha Barby Executive Sous Chef
2007 - 2009 John Crook Executive Chef
Executive Sous Chef
2004 - 2007 James Olberg Executive Chef
2004 - 2006 Heath Cates Sous Chef
2002 - 2004 Sean Riley Chef & Co-owner
2002 - 2004 Jeff Massey Sous Chef
2001 - 2005 Chris Bisaro Sous Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2009 - 2010 Anthony Pratt General Manager
2008 - 2009 Terry Hayashi Assistant General Manager
2006 - 2010 Jan-Erik Wichmann General Manager
2002 - Present Shannon Bosa-Yacoub Owner/Operator
2002 - Present Emad Yacoub Owner/Operator
2002 - 2005 John-Paul Lamb General Manager
Last updated: 2014-06-18

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