on South
140 Boylston Street (2001 - 2017)
107 South Street (2017 - )
Boston, Massachusetts
Tel: 617.695.9463
  • Also, in 2008 opened Le Patissier, a desserterie, on the lower level.
(2001 - )
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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
2021 - Present Cameron Cieslak Executive Chef
2014 - 2015 Jesse Jackson III Head Pastry Chef
2012 - Present Sue Drabkin Executive Pastry Chef
2007 - Present Sarah Woodfine Pastry Chef
2002 - 2003 Dennis Vieira Sous Chef
  -- Charlie Kleinman --
2001 - 2002 Joshua Skenes --
2001 - 2017 Scott Hebert Executive Chef
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2001 - Present Chris Campbell Proprietor
General Manager
Last updated: 2021-05-20

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