2485 Notre Dame Street W. (2008 - 2011)
5524 Saint-Patrick Street (2018 - Present)
Montréal, Québec
Tel: 514.759.6677
  • Notre Dame site closed in 2011 to accommodate an expansion of Joe Beef.
(2008 - 2011 ; 2018 - )

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Back of the House
Duration Name Position
  -- Marc-André Leclerc Chef de Cuisine
Front of the House
Duration Name Position
2008 - 2021 David McMillan Co-owner/Partner
2008 - Present Allison Cunningham Co-owner/Partner
2008 - Present Frédéric Morin Co-owner/Partner
Last updated: 2021-11-27

  • Named for 19th Century Montreal tavern owner, Charles McKiernan (nickname Joe Beef)

2008 openings |  2011 closings |  Places in Montréal  | Places in Québec | Places in Canada | Places in postal codes H3J/H4E | Joe Beef Group


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